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Internet Legal Research on a Budget: Free and Low-Cost Resources for Lawyers, Second Edition

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Judy K. Davis, Esq |  Carole Levitt
Publication Date:
May 26, 2020
American Bar Association - Law Practice Division
Number of Pages:
Never Expires.


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Internet Legal Research on a Budget directs lawyers to useful and reliable free (and low-cost) resources and explains how to use them effectively. This edition has updated information about resources discussed in the first edition, new resources, and expanded chapters on Casemaker and Fastcase.

With cost-conscious clients scrutinizing legal bills, lawyers cannot afford to depend on expensive legal research databases, especially when reliable free resources are available. This updated edition of Internet Legal Research on a Budget will help you quickly find the best free or low-cost resources online and use them for your research needs. The authors share the top websites, apps, blogs, and crowdsourced resources that will save you time, money, and frustration during the legal research process.

This book will help you locate and use:

  • Legal portals and directories (government, academic, and commercial);
  • Case law databases (government and commercial);
    Federal Statutory research;
  • Federal, legislative, and congressional materials;
  • Starting points for state, local, territorial, and tribal law;
  • Foreign, international, and comparative law resources;
  • And more!


Judy K. Davis, Esq's Profile

Judy K. Davis, Esq Related Seminars and Products

Senior Law Librarian and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Law

University of Southern California School of Law

Judy is a senior law librarian and adjunct assistant professor of law at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law. Prior to coming to USC, she worked at the University of San Diego Pardee Legal Research Center.

Earlier, she practiced law before a wise person introduced her to the world of librarianship.

She currently teaches legal research to USC law students, works in the law library’s Reference department, and gives lectures and training sessions on legal research and related topics. When she isn’t doing any of that, she can likely be found enjoying the great outdoors in beautiful Southern California.

Carole Levitt's Profile

Carole Levitt Related Seminars and Products

Internet For Lawyers

Carole Levitt, founder/principal of Internet For Lawyers (IFL), is an internationally recognized CLE seminar speaker and best-selling American Bar Association author. She writes and speaks on Internet investigative and legal research, social media research, social media ethics, and technology for lawyers.  Since 1999, IFL has provided law firms, corporations, and local and state Bar Associations around the country with professional and entertaining turn-key CLE programs. The company focuses on delivering information about free investigative and background research resources available on the Internet.


Together with co-author Mark Rosch, Levitt has written several ABA Law Practice Division books, including "Google Gmail and Calendar For Lawyers in One Hour" (2013), two editions of "The Lawyer’s Guide to Fact Finding on the Internet," "Google For Lawyers," and "Find Info Like a Pro," Volumes 1 and 2. They have also just completed the thirteenth edition of their book "The Cybersleuth's Guide to the Internet" (2015, IFL Press). Levitt also co-authored “Internet Legal Research on a Budget (ABA, 2013) with Judy K. Davis.


Previously, Levitt was a California attorney, a law librarian in Chicago and Los Angeles, and a Legal Research and Writing Professor at Pepperdine University School of Law. She graduated with distinction from The John Marshall Law School in Chicago and was a member of the school’s law review. Carole has a Masters in Library Science and a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Illinois.


She is active in numerous professional associations, including the American Bar Association (ABA) and the Association of Continuing Legal Education (ACLEA).